Gedächtnis und Erinnerung

Malibu Aircraft; 2009-03-26

“It’s a cliché of courtroom dramas – that moment when the witness is asked “Do you see the person who committed the crime here in this courtroom before you?” […]
But there is one type of evidence that’s even more persuasive: DNA. There have been 233 people exonerated by DNA in this country, and now a stunning pattern has emerged: more than three quarters of them were sent to prison at least in part because an eyewitness pointed a finger – an eyewitness we now know was wrong. ”


Interessanter Bericht über Erinnerungen und wie leicht diese beeinflusst, verfremdet und suggeriert werden können:

Teil 1

Teil 2

Bunny Effect

Categories : Diverses

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  1. […] Bericht über die hohe Fehlerquote von Augenzeugenberichten hat auch mich erschrocken, und auch ich bin froh […]