Zitat zum Freitag

Malibu Aircraft; 2010-04-03

Etty Hillesum schrieb ein paar Tage vor ihrer Deportation nach Auschwitz in ihr Tagebuch:

People sometimes say to me, “Oh, yes, you look on the bright side of everything.” What a platitude! Everything is perfectly good, and at the same time perfectly bad … I have never felt that I had to force myself to see the bright side of things: everything is always perfectly good, just as it is. Every situation, no matter how deplorable, is an absolute and contains good and evil within itself. By this I simply mean that I find the expression “seeing the bright side of everything” just as repugnant as “taking advantage of everything”.

zitiert nach “The Book of Atheist Spirituality” von AndrĂ© Comte-Sponville, S. 184

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